Australian Risk Services can help clients identify, assess and mitigate risks across the lifecycle from production to use, transport, storage, disposal and recovery. Effective management of chemicals prevents, reduces or minimises the harmful effects of chemicals on human health and the environment.

Many people are exposed to hazardous substances at work. If the exposure is not properly controlled, it can cause serious illness or death. The effects of hazardous substances may be immediate or long-term and range from mild irritation to chronic lung or skin disease.

Forklift Traffic Sign

Our approach includes:

  • Identification of each hazardous substance used
  • Review of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for hazardous substances
  • Identification of the likelihood of injury as a result of exposure
  • Identifying existing control measures & assessing risk levels
  • Determine risk level for each substance
  • Propose additional controls to reduce exposure to as low as reasonable

Working with Australian Risk Services to conduct a chemical risk assessment will ensure that:

  • Personnel are aware of the risks associated with the work they are undertaking
  • Appropriate controls are in place
  • Personal protective equipment is adequate & available
  • Emergency procedures are in place
  • Risk Assessments are appropriately documented & available to be shared with the regulators, suppliers & key stakeholders if required
  • Changes & new controls identified during the assessment are implemented

Some examples of the effects of hazardous substances include:

  • Skin burns or irritation caused by contact with a corrosive liquid
  • Being overcome or losing consciousness following inhalation of toxic fumes
  • Suffering acute symptoms such as headache or nausea within hours of inhalation
  • Poisoning by absorption through the skin of a toxic substance
  • Cancer occurring years after exposure to a carcinogenic substance
  • Dermatitis
  • Asthma
  • Genetic damage to offspring occurring years after exposure to a mutagenic substance

Helping Clients Develop Chemical Risk Management

Australia Risk Services help clients develop chemical risk management framework and perform chemical risk assessments in accordance with Australian laws and regulations.

Australian Risk Services has a team of dedicated experienced chemical risk managers who will support your organisation along the risk assessment journey. It is our duty to ensure that the outcomes of the risk assessment are implemented. If the risk assessment has identified weaknesses in existing controls, Australian Risk Services will recommend and help with the implementation of the additional controls as soon as is reasonably practicable, taking into consideration the level of risk involved. If the implementation of the additional controls is a complex task, we will prepare a detailed plan for implementation.