This module explains the features of the chain of responsibility as it applies to HVNL (Heavy Vehicle National Law) and state or territory law or regulations. It then covers the application of responsibility requirements and how to identify and report any breaches.

During these three key areas, HVNL will be defined and its purpose explained. How extended liability is applied will be clarified. Keys areas such as recognising fatigue, and relevant work and rest times will be identified. Other keys topics covered include securing loads, vehicle dimensions. 

The chain of responsibility, and the parties to it, are explained; as are the possible maximum and other penalties included in the HVNL. The defence of ‘reasonable steps’ in areas such as loading arrangements and scheduling is also disclosed. 

Workplace documentation, including applicable World Health & Safety regulations, and codes of practice based on these, are examined. Methods of managing speed, accounting for weather conditions and fatigue are included. Vehicle dimensions and calculating mass limits are assessed, as are securing loads and restraint systems. 

How documents should be completed and information stored; the identification and reporting of breaches explained.